Once your webspace is set up, you need to know how to work with it. Mostly i guess you will want to know how to add pages and then how to change them later. All this happens by logging into your admin area.
The admin area for each webspace is accessed by clicking the small yellow blob on the webspace main page. You will need to login by entering your webspaces username and password, to get there.
Adding an item
Click the add button. Choose the meaningful name for the item. The `intro` and `page text` boxes are easy to change later, so even just making a start is ok, you can finish it later.
The `page text` box is optional. If you put material in this box the main page heading and introduction will have a `more` link. Clicking this link will take users to a sepreate page containing the page text.
Changing a item
Click one of the tick boxes on the left of the page. Then click change.
Then go ahead make any changes, and click submit. Try not to change the actual item name because people have book marks to your pages, and these links will break.
Deleteing an item
Tick one or more tick boxes and click delete.
Changing webspace settings
Settings include who is the manager(s), and the description of the webspace. To alter the webspace settings click the link in the side panel.
Other things it can do
Upload -- this allows you to put your images onto the webserver, so that you can include them in your webspace pages.
Backup --Backing up your webspace occassionally is a GOOD idea. Bad things, although rare, do happen to web servers. As manager you are primarily responsible for the security of your material.
What it does is it scoops up all your webspace items and settings into one plain text file. When the page renders in your browser save the file to your hard drive as a *.txt file..
View Hit logs -- Shows how many visiters your pages have had.
Subscriber list
When done, logout. Thats it!