Change Webspace Help


See Changing Webspace Titles.

Description is the information that appears in the webspace index.



Each webspace has one primary manager. This person is noted as the webspace manager on the webspace mainpage, gets backup emails, and can add other managers to help out.


  • To add another manager --Find out what their username is and enter it then click go. Only do this with their permission.   Having   multiple managers means each one can update the page. You will need to come to some agreement about decsionmaking and overall editorial responsibility!
  • To change managers -- The original manager   adds a new manager, then changes the primary manager from him/her self to the new manager.



There are three principle modes of operating your webspace.

1. Manager only can update

This mode is best for where there is one person assuming responsibility for content, much sa in the form of a newsletter. No one else can put content on yor pages.

2. Anyone with approval of posts

This mode is good where the topic warrants community input, such as an events calander. The manager manually approves each submission though to keep it on topic and junk free.

3. Anyone without approval

This method should be used only with caution. It means that anyone anywhaere inthe world can add items to your web space. This may have application in something like a grafitti board. But beware there junk mailers will also use it if they find it.


Get mail means that each item you put on the webspace will also be emailed to you. this is useful as a permanent record in cae the material is for some reason later changed, or lost. Recomended.


Template   is the special html file located in the templates folder which your webspace is built from. If you have an interest in graphics and want to have a shot at designing your own colour and design schema let us know and we will find someone to show you how. Take a look at the existing tempates in   [./templates/] for inspiration. If you get in a real muddle, you need to reset this to the default template which is template1.html


Orderby dictates how your main pages items are ordered. The main method is reverse date order, whcih means the items file from newest to oldest. However you may wish to have control over the order, in whcih case cick specify. Then on you admin page number the items down the right margin, and clicj reorder.

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