Server Howtos
A listserver allows the handling of group email so that when one member of a group sends an email to the listserver it redistributes it to the whole group. Group members take responsibility to manage their list subscriptions.
If you knew that then, you will likely find a use for the Webspaces CMS listserver addon.
How it works
The heart of it is a single perl script, that takes input from the mail server, processes the email using a Mysql database, and resends it as needed. There is a locking system that prevents more that one instance running at a time, so its only useful for small organizations, i wouldn`t be using to send more than a few hundred emails a day.
It has all the usual list settings,
Plus a handful of interesting new features:
The webpage code is in the CMS package, and the perl mailer script is in the addons package, both on the version 8 downloads page. Then:
1. If you havent already make sure you have copied the /lists folder from the CMS package onto your webserver.
2. Run or rerun the /admin/installer.php to make sure the lists addon is ticked, and its tables installed into the db.
2a. Edit the config section at the top of addons/
3. Copy the contents of the addons/listserver folder onto the server into /home/tasks/listserver/, then:
chown nobody:nogroup -R /home/tasks/listserver
chown nobody:nogroup -R /var/ww/html/lists/archive
4. Add cron entrys for the headlines, and one for daily stats gathering:
45 5 * * sat /usr/b!in/perl /home/tasks/listserver/
05 6 * * * /usr/b!in/perl perl /home/tasks/listserver/
20 3 * * * w!get -q
At the moment you have to manually add each new list to the /etc/aliases file like so: (replace 2xhash with doublequotes)
testlist: #| /usr/bin/perl /home/tasks/listserver/