CMS Usage

Once Webspaces CMS is installed the sample home page has some tips to get you started, copied below FYI.



Welcome to your new Webspaces CMS install, and the world of three click publishing. This is your homepage, and you should replace this content with your own home page material. Most people will have exactly 5 initial questions:


1. How it works

All webspace page items are rendered by page.php using the page title in the url, like this one:

The text markup is combined with the template to create the page you are seeing.


2. How to edit this page

To quickly edit the page:

  • click the blob in the sidebar area,
  • login as your user entered during setup


Alternatively, you can also change it from the admin area, where you can also add page items, upload images, and modify settings:

  • click Webspaces in the either of the nav bars
  • then click on the Main webspace
  • then click the blob


3. How to make the template more like my site

For a default install, the templates are in /templates. To change the overall look of the page you can modify or make your own page templates. Make a copy of template1 and use that as a starting point. Upload the template as template2.html, then alter the webspace`s template setting (under admin, settings). Any old html file with at least the and tags will do.


4. How to change the sidebar

Each webspace has a default sidebar setting (Admin area | settings), initially set to the ever so boring thing at left. Its also its customisable on a per page basis (admin area | (webspace page) options ).


5. How to learn more

Most of the user documentation is located in a separate webspace called help and instructions. The help pages are also context linked at various places in the cms admin. Secondly there are advanced configuration howtos on the website.


Have fun playing around with it.

Admin login